Drf-Social-Oauth2: Easy oauth2 integration

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DRF-Social-OAuth2 is a powerful module that enables OAuth2 social authentication for applications built on Django REST Framework. By providing seamless integration with python-social-auth and django-oauth-toolkit, this package facilitates the setup of social authentication for your REST API, as well as your OAuth2 provider.

If you’re new to OAuth2 or find it challenging to understand, don’t worry. DRF-Social-OAuth2 offers a straightforward and streamlined approach to OAuth2 authentication. However, we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the OAuth2 concepts and terminology by referring to our recommended resources or other online tutorials.

If you’re eager to test out DRF-Social-OAuth2 but do not want to go through the trouble of setting it up in your local environment, you can visit our facebook setup repository. It contains all the necessary configurations for you to get started. You’ll only need to add a database configuration to your settings.py file, and you’ll be ready to go! Generally speaking, it will help you set up your own django + drf-social-oauth2 project.

We hope that DRF-Social-OAuth2 simplifies your social authentication process and enhances the security and usability of your Django REST Framework application. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to submit them to our GitHub repository or reach out to us via our support channels.


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